By Asia Education Review Team , Tuesday, 22 August 2023

Taiwan devolution attends international technology exchanges in Thailand

  • Taiwan’s digital ministry has led a delegation to Bangkok, Thailand for a five-day international tech exchange. The ministry’s Administration for Digital Industries (ADI) . The delegation took part in the Asia Open Data Partnership (AODP) 2023 Annual Summit, discussing various topics including data policy and framework issues, cross-border data exchange, and data application showcases in southeast Asia. The ADI was also invited to participate in the Business Simulation Center (BSC) concept presentation held by Kasetsart University. The BSC is a joint venture between Taiwanese education companies Top-BOSS, JECTOR Digital, and LiveABC, and Thailand’s Kasetsart University. This international cooperation experience is expected to provide students with more realistic business simulation experiences. the delegation attended a virtual reality integrated education seminar organized by Thailand’s education ministry and the Regional Centre for STEM Education (STEM-ED). Taiwan's education technology experts shared their experiences and strategies in promoting education technology. The ADI says that southeast Asian countries have accelerated smart city-related technology software and hardware in recent years. The purpose of this international exchange is to help Taiwan understand the new southbound market and deepen cooperation between Taiwan and Thailand in education technology.