By Asia Education Review Team , Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Sri Lankan Government, to Incorporate AI Courses in Education System

  • The Cabinet of Ministers has given the green light to launch a pilot project for incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) courses into the school curriculum, beginning at Grade 08, as announced by the Department of Government Information (DGI). Previously, the Cabinet of Ministers had determined that it is suitable to integrate AI-related courses into the education system, aligning with the suggestions put forth by the task force assigned to formulate a national strategy and plan concerning artificial intelligence.

    In line with the strategic plan, a pilot initiative has been formulated to incorporate artificial intelligence courses into general education. Consequently, the Cabinet has endorsed the collaborative proposal put forth by President Ranil Wickremesinghe, serving as the Minister of Technology, along with the Minister of Education, to execute this pilot project with the backing of Microsoft.

    According to the DGI, the pilot initiative will be executed following a revision of the existing international syllabus provided by Microsoft, incorporating recommendations from the National Institute of Education of Sri Lanka. The project will commence at the Grade 08 level in schools equipped with essential human resources. Moreover, the selected schools for the pilot will undergo a digital transformation using Microsoft's provided facilities.

    As part of the initiative, Microsoft's trainers will conduct training sessions for 100 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) teachers to facilitate the successful implementation of the project in Sri Lanka.