By Asia Education Review Team , Tuesday, 12 March 2024

Microsoft to Educate 100k Filipino Women in AI, Cybersecurity

  • Microsoft has announced plans to train 100,000 women in the Philippines in artificial intelligence (AI) technology and cybersecurity. The initiative, revealed during a trade mission led by US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, will utilize an online platform to teach participants how to leverage Microsoft's AI tools, including those powered by OpenAI's large language models. The goal is to equip women with workplace skills and the ability to identify cybersecurity threats.

    Mary Snapp, Microsoft's Vice-President of Global Strategic Initiatives, expressed excitement about the potential for the Philippines to use advanced AI technology for positive economic advancement. The company will collaborate with government agencies and local schools to extend training opportunities to government employees.

    In response to the announcement, Philippine Trade Undersecretary Rafaelita Aldaba emphasized the potential impact of the training on bolstering cybersecurity and fostering trust in technology adoption. The initiative also aims to address the issue of disinformation in the country, with a focus on educating individuals to better identify manipulated content.

    As part of their broader efforts, Microsoft plans to introduce an AI-powered reading progress tool for approximately 27 million students in the Philippines, in partnership with the Philippine Department of Education. This initiative is in response to a 2022 World Bank study that revealed significant challenges in reading proficiency among 10-year-old students in the country.