By Asia Education Review Team , Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Lukashenko Endorses Belarus-China Fundamental Research Center Initiative

  • Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko expressed his endorsement of the joint initiative proposed by universities in Belarus and China to establish a center for fundamental research during his meeting with Hao Ping, the Party Secretary of Peking University, and delegates from other Chinese universities, as reported.

    "I support the initiative to set up the fundamental research center. I am sure that it will give a start to a new round of scientific and technological development. Given that we have absolutely no closed topics from our friends in China, we are ready to share, among other things, those technologies that China does not possess today. You are our friends, our brothers. You can count on us", the president said.

    The head of state also proposed to consider the possibility of holding a joint youth forum in 2025 within the framework of the Days of Friendship and Unity of BSU and Peking University. "We need to make such forums an annual event and invite students from partner universities", Aleksandr Lukashenko believes.

    He also expressed gratitude to the Chinese side and Hao Ping for their attention and support of the joint biotechnology educational program. "Our students are very satisfied with the training under this program. I would like to see more such programs. This area is extremely important for us, and the Belarusian side is interested in extending this program to the master's level," the president said.

    During the Belarus-China Forum of University Rectors, President Aleksandr Lukashenko underscored the significance of thoroughly examining all agreements concerning collaborative educational programs. He emphasized the need to prioritize key programs and initiate their implementation, potentially involving the fundamental research center.

    The president expressed his conviction: "The Rectors' Forum will be a consistent and logical continuation of the active dialogue between the institutions of higher education of the two countries". "All the agreements reached will strengthen our cooperation and serve the common cause of integration with Great China", the head of state said. 

    The gathering convened leaders from 15 Chinese universities, Ambassador Xie Xiaoyong of the People's Republic of China to Belarus, Belarusian Education Minister Andrei Ivanets, and rectors from nine Belarusian universities, including regional institutions. Participants included representatives from prominent Chinese universities such as Peking, Nankai, Southeast, Wuhan, Jilin, among others.

    A delegation of Chinese university rectors arrived in Minsk to attend the Belarus-China Forum of University Rectors. The agenda features a plenary session, thematic workshops, a collaborative concert by creative teams from BSU and Peking University, bilateral discussions between educational institutions of both countries, and a visit to the Chinese-Belarusian industrial park Great Stone.