By Asia Education Review Team , Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Japanese Embassy and Ministry Open Community Tech Centre in Takeo

  • The inaugural Community Tech Centre (CTC) was officially inaugurated in Takeo province with the goal of enhancing digital literacy and narrowing the digital divide within the community. The opening ceremony took place at Hun Sen Mouy Mithona High School campus in Peaream commune, Bati district, and was presided over by Chea Vandeth, Minister of Post and Telecommunications, alongside Atsushi Ueno, Ambassador of Japan to Cambodia.

    The center, furnished with state-of-the-art computers and high-speed internet, serves not only as a student training facility but also as a resource for local residents seeking to enhance their digital skills. Vandeth emphasized that establishing CTCs in schools aligns with the objective of advancing digital transformation to bolster digital human capital in both public and private sectors. Additionally, it aims to cultivate a robust digital ecosystem supportive of nationwide digital transformation efforts.

    The center serves four primary purposes: a computer laboratory for teaching digital literacy to students, training teachers, facilitating meetings, and supporting distance learning. It also provides access to civil servants and citizens for digital technology training and equipment repair courses. “I believe that when it is fully operational, it will support the development of digital education to contribute to the effective implementation of the goals and strategies set out in Cambodia’s Digital Government Policy 2022-2035”, he said.

    The Japanese Ambassador remarked that this initiative showcases the productive outcomes of Cambodia-Japan collaboration in enhancing Cambodia's digital human capital. This effort is supported by funding from the Japanese Government and its people. According to the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, plans are underway to establish an additional 17 CTCs in the province. The goal is to establish CTCs in 558 public high schools across the country by 2027.

    Presently, the Ministry is collaborating with the Ministry of Education to roll out CTC projects in 20 high schools located in Preah Vihear, Siem Reap, Kampong Cham, Kandal, and Preah Sihanouk provinces. In October 2023, the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications and the Ministry of Education signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish CTCs in public high schools. Minister of Education Hang Chuon Naron expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Post for its CTC initiative, which aims to enhance digital literacy skills and integrate technology subjects into education both at schools and within the community.