By Asia Education Review Team , Tuesday, 29 August 2023

Heart Scholarship Program Award Ceremony Hosted by SHKP-Kwoks Foundation and PolyU Building Homes

  • The Building Homes with Heart Scholarship Programme, a collaborative effort of the SHKP-Kwoks' Foundation (the Foundation) and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), conducted its maiden award event when scholarships were handed to ten PolyU students. The scholarship program intends to help excellent PolyU students, with a special emphasis on those suffering financial difficulties, pursue courses in construction, real estate, or engineering-related areas. "Over the years, the Foundation has been dedicated to supporting outstanding students from Hong Kong and the mainland in their pursuit of tertiary education," stated Foundation Director Thomas Kwok. We are proud to have assisted over 11,000 people in completing their studies or training over the last 21 years. We believe that the scholarship will serve as a motivator for students to excel in their studies and occupations, therefore contributing to the country's and Hong Kong's future growth." Professor Ben Young, PolyU Vice President (Student and Global Affairs), stated, "PolyU is a cradle for cultivating talent for Hong Kong's construction industry, and PolyU graduates have contributed significantly to the development of both the industry and the city." We are excited to work with Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) to develop a new generation of construction talent and support the progress of innovative green technologies, assisting Hong Kong in becoming carbon neutral and building a sustainable future. I hope that PolyU graduates will continue to contribute to the advancement of construction technology and the translation of scientific research into practical applications."

    Following the award ceremony, SHKP Executive Director Adam Kwok spoke with students who were greatly inspired by SHKP initiatives in Hong Kong and on the mainland. Adam Kwok urged the pupils to continue their lifetime study. "The real estate and construction industries definitely need new blood," he remarked. We see the scholarship program as a catalyst for developing fresh talent, ready to assist future infrastructural and commercial developments. I highly encourage students to take advantage of this opportunity, to make the most of their scholarships, to continue studying, and to actively contribute to the industry's progress in the next years." The ten awardees include undergraduate and postgraduate students from the Departments of Building Environment and Energy Engineering, Building and Real Estate, and Civil and Environmental Engineering. Each student received a scholarship worth up to HK$40,000. Chung Wai-kit, Ho Sik-man, and Law Sing expressed their appreciation for SHKP's assistance at the event. They expressed their heartfelt gratitude for the scholarships, which not only reduced their financial problems but also provided encouragement. The students stated that they were fully aware of the numerous options available to them in the Greater Bay Area, where supporting government policies have produced a strong demand for competent construction workers. They stated a desire to pursue great jobs and make significant contributions to the mainland in the future. SHKP Executive Director Robert Chan, himself a PolyU graduate, shared his valuable work experiences and insights during the ceremony, further inspiring the students.

    On the same day, the grantees went to the International Commerce Centre (ICC) and were informed about the project design and development strategy of SHKP's massive commercial project atop the High-Speed Rail West Kowloon Station. In addition to the scholarship program, SHKP and PolyU inked a pact on SHKP x PolyU Building Innovation & Technology Research Projects in November last year to enhance collaboration between the industry, academic, and research sectors. Three research projects on green applications (creating a smart, efficient, and adaptable energy management system), green building materials, and green construction methods were initiated. The objective is to turn scientific knowledge into applications that will assist Hong Kong in becoming a smart, carbon-neutral city. Through numerous programs, SHKP exhibits its dedication to developing young Hong Kong talent. Among these initiatives are trainee programs for young people in Hong Kong and on the mainland, which have successfully recruited approximately 70 graduates in the last five years. Furthermore, SHKP's affiliate Sanfield Construction arranges an annual summer internship program that provides university students studying construction engineering with considerable hands-on experience before entering the profession. This year's program drew 72 students, more than half of whom were PolyU students.