By Asia Education Review Team , Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Cuba and China will collaborate on artificial intelligence research

  • During his visit to China, the Minister of Higher Education, Walter Baluja, presided over the Institute's opening. The leadership of the University of Camagüey and other academic institutions in the two nations have endorsed the Institute. This project aims to promote social development through innovation and knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence, in which China is a global leader, according to diplomatic sources in China and Cuba.

    Yailé Caballero Mota, the foreign director of the Institute, expressed her enthusiasm and vision during the opening ceremony and said: "Today we open a great door for our universities and countries to continue traveling along the path of solidarity, development, innovation, and knowledge", This was a first for Cuba. The institute, which is situated in Hebei, in the north of China, is portrayed as a driving force behind AI advancement, having a direct impact on universities and making a sizable contribution to the general welfare of the populace.

    The Cuban delegation traveled to Shanghai, where it spoke with representatives of the Universities of Science and Technology, the President of the Government Education Commission, and the Directors of the Academy of Social Sciences, as well as other academic leaders and looked into opportunities for collaboration with renowned educational institutions.