By Asia Education Review Team , Thursday, 20 July 2023

Alsocan App that Links University Achievements and Employment

  • The new app promises to educate potential international learners about possibilities for employment when they choose their colleges. The Asia Careers Group SDN BHD-created alsocan app aims to ‘take the guess work out’ of determining whether universities have a strong history of connecting students with prominent companies. Louise Nicol, Founder of Asia Careers Group SDN BHD stated “Young people know the companies and brands they want to work for”, “What they need to know ahead of applying to a university is whether the specific university degree is likely to secure them their dream job. With alsocan we provide answer”, he added.

    The software, which took a total of three years to create, aspires to satisfy the needs of students for data on how to capitalize on their investment in higher education. Based on the developers of the program, it delivers institutions with quality employment statistics which assists them to stand out from rivals and draw in ambitious, career-focused students. “Good universities want to be able to provide hard evidence that they are meeting employer needs and student career ambitions. The purpose of alsocan is to replace hype and guesswork with data that meets the needs of both sides”, Nicol stated.

    Behind the application process, Asia Careers Group assembled a graduate record with over 100,000 distinctive details. The initiative will primarily cover universities in the UK and Australia, with additions to Canada, Ireland, and the rest of the EU, as well as New Zealand and the US, planned for the next two years. Applicants should be able to find colleges that will put students with companies that have an interest in working for using the information. The app now hosts all Australian institutions along with more than 50 UK universities, with affiliations indicated as those we suggest to potential students. Information on partnering universities' own foreign graduate results that are compared to the entire sample is also provided. “Alternatively, students select universities they are interested in and the application will let them know the leading graduate destinations for each institution. The student can then see if the employers match their career aspirations”, Nicol said.