By Asia Education Review Team , Wednesday, 01 May 2024

AIST collaborates with QuEra to boost Quantum Computing & AI in Japan

  • QuEra Computing, a prominent player in neutral-atom quantum computing, has secured a significant contract worth 6.5 Billion JPY from Japan's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). This deal signifies a major step forward in advancing quantum capabilities in Japan. The contract entails the delivery of a cutting-edge quantum computer by QuEra, which will be installed alongside AIST's NVIDIA-powered ABCI-Q supercomputer.

    This collaboration is geared towards developing a robust hybrid quantum-classical computing platform. QuEra's state-of-the-art quantum computing technology is set to complement AIST's ABCI-Q supercomputer, with the primary objective of establishing a hybrid platform capable of conducting high-fidelity simulations and quantum AI applications.

    QuEra's gate-based neutral-atom quantum computers are renowned for their scalability, fidelity, and forthcoming quantum error detection and correction capabilities. Neutral-atom computing represents a promising avenue in quantum technology, offering a clear pathway to achieving large-scale, fault-tolerant computers. QuEra is at the forefront of the neutral-atom market, with its dynamic qubit manipulation capability facilitating flexible and efficient quantum computations. Moreover, QuEra's computers operate at room temperature and can seamlessly integrate with existing classical computing infrastructure.

    The on-premises installation of QuEra's gate-based computer is slated for 2025. Notably, QuEra already possesses significant expertise in operating quantum computers, with its first-generation 256-qubit computer available on a major cloud service since November 2022, providing global access to advanced quantum computing capabilities. Additionally, QuEra recently secured a contract to deliver a quantum testbed for the UK's national quantum program.

    AIST's NVIDIA-powered ABCI-Q supercomputer will facilitate large-scale high-fidelity quantum simulations and quantum-accelerated supercomputing across various industries. This high-performance system, integrated with NVIDIA CUDA-Q, is powered by over 2,000 NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPUs across 500+ nodes interconnected by NVIDIA Quantum-2 InfiniBand. ABCI-Q forms a crucial part of Japan's quantum technology innovation strategy, aiming to unlock new opportunities for businesses and society through advancements in AI, energy, and biology research.