By Asia Education Review Team , Monday, 20 May 2024

Vietnamese students secure second prize at International Science Fair

  • Vietnamese students recently achieved significant recognition at the 2024 Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF). According to the Ministry of Education and Training, Nguyen Le Quoc Bao and Le Tuan Hy, students from Ho Chi Minh City’s Le Hong Phong High School for the Gifted, secured the second prize in the Systems Software category with their innovative project titled "Integration of Deep Learning into Automatic Volumetric Cardiovascular Dissection and Reconstruction in Simulated 3D Space for Medical Practice". This accomplishment represents Vietnam’s best performance at the ISEF since winning the first prize in 2012.

    In addition to the second prize, Bao and Hy's project also received the 4th place award from the Association for Computing Machinery, highlighting the project's technical excellence and innovation in computing. ISEF, recognized as the largest annual international competition for high school students in science and engineering, took place in Los Angeles, USA, from May 11-17, 2024. This year's event featured nearly 1,353 projects presented by 1,699 students hailing from 67 different countries. The Vietnamese delegation participated in nine projects, comprising one individual and eight collective efforts across various disciplines.

    The success of Bao and Hy’s project underscores the growing prowess and potential of Vietnamese students in the global scientific community. Their work on utilizing deep learning for medical applications demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of both software engineering and medical technology, reflecting the high level of education and research fostered at Le Hong Phong High School for the Gifted.

    This remarkable achievement not only brings pride to Vietnam but also inspires other young scientists in the country to pursue excellence in their scientific endeavours. The Vietnamese team's participation and success at ISEF highlight the importance of international collaboration and competition in advancing educational and technological frontiers.