By Asia Education Review Team , Thursday, 27 July 2023

Tianjin University Volunteers One Week Education Program in Tibet

  • For a week at the beginning of this month, the volunteer group instructed support courses at the district's elementary and secondary schools. Reading, handicrafts, painting, and seminars on the cultural interchange between the Han and Tibetan ethnic groups were among the subjects covered. In the group was a professor from the institution named Chen Xiaolong who had placed first in the National College Young Teachers Teaching Competition. ‘Three Questions about Electrical Energy’ was the title of Chen's lecture to the pupils at No. 1 Primary School. In order to help the children comprehend where the electricity that powers their homes originates from, he described batteries, power plants, and electrical systems. In terms of safety, Chen added, "I hoped to raise their awareness of electricity from a safety perspective".

    Ding Lin, a graduate student, told the moving tale of Gui Haichao, the first payload specialist with the Chinese space station, at the Qingdao Elementary School in Shigatse. Ding stated, "I try to give children a general view of a person's brave inquiry of unknown space, and with Gui's story, I was encouraging them to dream big and study hard".

    "Teachers from Tianjin University taught us about electricity, space exploration, and photography. (They were) enlightening lessons... Among them all, I enjoyed the photography class they gave us the most", stated Karma Dechen, a fourth-year pupil at No. 1 Primary School in the Shigatse district of the Tibet autonomous region's Samdrubze.

    The group also operated a program called ‘Rural Revitalization Program through Language Promotion’ in addition to teaching. In the form of lectures to locals, they integrated Chinese language instruction with practical training in areas such as agriculture and animal husbandry, e-commerce, handicrafts, tourism and wellness, cultural creativity, as well as healthcare and legal literacy. The local news station expressed, the mix of abilities is intended to investigate the resources at hand and provide real advantages for the neighborhood. "We hope to make this voluntary teaching exercise a long-term commitment, and use our educational resources to help the development of Tibet", mentioned He Liqian, Head of the volunteer group, and Vice-Party Chief of the School.

    Tianjin University said that it will establish student practice centers at three elementary schools, one youth training academy, and one high school in the city during the program's opening ceremony in early July. Each year, it will send professors and students to volunteer their time to educate during vacations.