By Asia Education Review Team , Thursday, 06 June 2024

Rapidus and Hokkaido University Forge Groundbreaking Collaboration

  • Rapidus Corporation and Hokkaido University have entered into a comprehensive collaboration agreement focused on education and research. This partnership aims to boost Japan's scientific and technological capabilities and foster the development of human resources within the semiconductor industry.

    With Hokkaido's swift progress in promoting the semiconductor industry, addressing human resource development and research and development has become a significant challenge. Considering Rapidus' plans to begin pilot line operations in April 2025 and move to mass production by 2027, both parties have committed to a comprehensive collaboration agreement. This agreement aims to foster long-term cooperation in developing high-level human resources and advancing semiconductor research.

    For the time being, Hokkaido University plans to support Rapidus’ development of a semiconductor base while both parties plan to cooperate in semiconductor human resource development and advanced semiconductor research. As a concrete example, a base will be established on the campus of Hokkaido University by the end of 2024 where Rapidus will evaluate and analyze 2nm semiconductors. In addition, R&D projects for advanced semiconductors related to Rapidus, as well as advanced semiconductor research that takes advantage of the unique research features of Hokkaido University, will be promoted.

    In the realm of semiconductor human resource development, Rapidus intends to send its engineers to Hokkaido University to deliver lectures, while Hokkaido University plans to offer Rapidus engineers opportunities to learn about its cutting-edge research findings.

    Hokkaido University has evolved into the sole comprehensive institution in the expansive region of Hokkaido, guided by four fundamental principles in education and research: 'Frontier Spirit', 'Global Perspectives', 'All-round Education', and 'Practical Learning'. The aim is to pioneer the 'Novel Japan University Model', a fresh paradigm for Japanese universities that generates significant societal influence by addressing global challenges and actively progressing towards the shared objective of a 'sustainable well-being society'.