By Asia Education Review Team , Friday, 28 July 2023

PM Anwar: Malaysia Seeks to Elevate its Standing in the UN Human Development Index

  • Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, stated the government aims to raise Malaysia's status in the UN Human Development Index, which measures the way a nation's citizens are doing in terms of their education and health. As reported by the UN Development Programme, Malaysia had a score of 0.803 in the 2021/22 Human Development Report, positioning it within the ‘Very High Human Development’ grouping of nations and placing it 62nd out of 191 nations.

    Anwar said that the administration wanted to move Malaysia up to at least the 25th position. He announced the ‘Madani Economy: Empowering the People’ program here and stated that the government places a high premium on access to high-quality education and healthcare in order for this to become a reality. Based on the government's financial standing, allocations would be enhanced. Regarding education, he assured that the government will keep providing children with the greatest facilities and an appealing learning atmosphere, he stated.

    "We have made various efforts, especially increasing allocations, simplifying procurement procedures, and reducing the power of implementation (decentralization) to speed up the implementation of school projects and improve dilapidated schools. At the same time, the Jendela (National Digital Network Plan) project continues to ensure that all schools are equipped with Internet access", he mentioned.

    Anwar acknowledged that education is supply-driven more than claimed that by enhancing partnerships with businesses and employers, particularly when it comes to the delivery of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) to be conducted at the Penang Skills Development Centre, national education will have to be more demand-driven. "Aware of the fact that we now live in a global economy that is constantly changing and challenging, there is a need for a more progressive lifelong learning approach among all Malaysians. We need to provide life-long learning paths in whatever skills the people want to learn, whether it's at universities, TVET institutions, or micro-credentialled skills that are required", he mentioned.

    Prime Minister Anwar specified, the government has allocated RM42 million through the Social Security Organization (Sosso) for the Career Building Program, a skills-improving initiative for gig workers and other undocumented workers with a Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) qualification or lower. "The Health White Paper encompasses strategies for a period of 15 years with the aim of creating a more sustainable, resilient, and quality health system towards improving the level of people's well-being and access to health for all”, he mentioned.