By Asia Education Review Team , Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Philippines House boosts Education Standards, updates Teaching Rules

  • The House of Representatives in the Philippines has taken significant strides towards improving education by passing two crucial bills focused on enhancing higher education and updating teacher professionalization. These bills aim to revolutionize the educational sector by raising academic standards and improving teaching quality.

    On May 9, 2023, the House passed House Bill 9982, aimed at strengthening both public and private higher education institutions (HEIs) nationwide. The bill empowers the government to oversee and regulate HEIs while promoting academic freedom. It sets strict criteria for establishing HEIs and mandates minimum course requirements to promote educational excellence. Additionally, the bill requires all HEIs to obtain authorization from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) before offering degree programs to ensure uniform education quality.

    Simultaneously, the House approved House Bill 9979, amending the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994. This amendment updates teacher licensure qualifications and introduces a refresher course for unsuccessful applicants. It also broadens the nomination pool for the Board of Professional Teachers to include diverse stakeholders, fostering inclusive governance of education.

    These bills represent a landmark effort by the Philippine government to elevate education standards and professionalize teaching. By setting rigorous criteria for HEIs and updating teacher licensure frameworks, these measures aim to improve education quality, academic freedom, and workforce skills. As these bills progress to the Senate, stakeholders eagerly anticipate the positive changes these reforms will bring to the Philippine education system.