By Asia Education Review Team , Friday, 29 March 2024

NUS Guangzhou Institute partners with Industry for Research and Talent

  • The inauguration ceremony of the National University of Singapore Guangzhou Research Translation and Innovation Institute (NUS GRTII) in Guangzhou, China, marked a significant collaboration between NUS, the People’s Government of Guangzhou Municipality, and the China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City Administrative Committee. Notable figures such as NUS President Professor Tan Eng Chye and Wang Guilin, Vice Chairman of the Guangzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and Director of Guangzhou Science and Technology Bureau, graced the official opening.

    NUS GRTII stands as the university’s fourth overseas research institute in China, following similar establishments in Suzhou, Fuzhou, and Chongqing. Positioned within the China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City, it represents NUS's flagship initiative in the Greater Bay Area.

    During the opening event, NUS GRTII solidified strategic collaborations with 13 partners, including prominent Singaporean enterprises, companies from the Huangpu District, and other industry stakeholders. Notably, a partnership with WeRide in autonomous driving technologies was established, focusing on research and development projects in autonomous driving and its commercialization.

    As part of its strategic agenda to foster entrepreneurial endeavours between Singapore and China, NUS GRTII announced plans to incubate nine startups within its newly inaugurated facilities. Through this initiative, the institute aims to provide comprehensive support including business incubation, technology transfer, and facilitation of research commercialization. Ultimately, these efforts aim to yield research breakthroughs that benefit not only Singapore and Guangzhou but also the broader Greater Bay Area.