By Asia Education Review Team , Friday, 19 April 2024

NTU Triumphs with the Strategic Cybersecurity Initiative Award

  • NTU Singapore received accolades at the SBR Technology Excellence Awards 2024, clinching the Infrastructure Technology - Education category, highlighting its dedication to adapting to digital advancements and bolstering cybersecurity amidst evolving technological landscapes.

    In 2021, NTU faced a significant hurdle with the release of Windows 11 by Microsoft. The university's reliance on older Windows versions posed a substantial cybersecurity risk, particularly with Microsoft's decision to end support for these versions by 2025. Recognizing the potential vulnerabilities and complexities involved in transitioning to Windows 11 across its extensive campus networks, NTU initiated a meticulously planned upgrade project.

    Led by the Centre for IT Services (CITS), the project showcased exceptional cross-departmental collaboration to ensure a seamless transition. Acknowledging the diverse needs across the university's ecosystem, ranging from administrative staff to faculty members and research centres, the project team adopted a System Thinking approach. This enabled them to navigate the intricacies of deploying Windows 11 while considering compatibility issues with legacy applications and systems.

    A crucial aspect of the project was the commencement of a pilot program in mid-2022, aimed at identifying and addressing potential challenges. The success of this pilot served as the foundation for a comprehensive deployment strategy, which included detailed guidelines for pre-requisite checks, backup procedures, installation, verification, and user training. This strategic planning facilitated the mass deployment process, which began in March 2023 and covered NTU's extensive campuses, including the vast Yunnan Garden Campus.

    The deployment journey highlighted the significance of unity and collaboration within the OneNTU Partnership. Through fostering open communication and shared leadership, CITS, alongside other departments and entities within NTU, successfully navigated the Windows 11 upgrade, enhancing NTU's cybersecurity resilience and reaffirming its commitment to maintaining a cutting-edge technological infrastructure.