By Asia Education Review Team , Thursday, 20 June 2024

North Minzu University Celebrates Diversity in Graduation Season

  • North Minzu University is currently celebrating graduation season, with a student population exceeding 23,000 from 53 diverse ethnic backgrounds. Situated in Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui autonomous region, the university proudly represents China's cultural diversity. President Li Junjie highlighted the institution's dedication to nurturing a cohesive national identity.

    "We prioritize initiatives like themed exhibitions and courses dedicated to national unity," Li said. "These programs have attracted thousands of visitors and solidified the university's role as a hub for promoting national unity education in Ningxia".

    Founded in 1984, North Minzu University has conferred degrees upon more than 80,000 graduates from various ethnicities. President Li highlighted the alumni's substantial contributions to national advancement, particularly in ethnic and border regions, as well as their efforts in enhancing global awareness of Chinese culture. Noteworthy among these alumni is Qin Wenbo, from the Hui ethnic group, who has made a significant difference in his community in Helan County, Ningxia.

    After graduating in 2009, Qin assumed the role of Party secretary of Languang village in 2012. Under his leadership, he founded several agricultural initiatives in the village, such as an organic rice demonstration area and a rice field crab planting base. Languang village also became a model for cross-border agricultural collaboration, drawing interest from partners in South Korea.

    In 2014, Qin received the Ningxia Youth May Fourth Medal, followed by the title of Model for Ethnic Unity and Progress in Ningxia in 2015. President Li also underscored the accomplishments of international graduates like Ameen Muneer Mohammed Al-Obaidi from Iraq, known in Chinese as Fang Haoming. Al-Obaidi joined the university in 2017 and developed a profound affinity for Chinese language and culture. Upon graduating in 2022, he embarked on a career as a journalist at China-Arab TV, actively advocating for Chinese culture.

    "North Minzu University is committed to achieving high-quality development and becoming a distinguished, modern university," Li said. "We are proud of our diverse graduates and their contributions to national unity and cultural exchange".