By Asia Education Review Team , Wednesday, 31 January 2024

Engineering Student at UOW Malaysia Innovates Sustainable Drone

  • Joyce Thong Shu Hui, a Mechanical Engineering student at UOW Malaysia School of Engineering, secured first place in the 2023 Integrated Design Project Short Video Competition's Mechanical Category, organized by IEM's Engineering Education Technical Division. Her groundbreaking project, titled "Design and Development of a Sustainable and Lightweight Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Drone) Structure," demonstrated an impressive blend of innovation and sustainability. Guided by supervisor Ts. Dr. Nishata Royan and co-supervisor Mr. Chua Huang Shen, Joyce aimed to revolutionize drone technology with an optimally designed octocopter for modern parcel delivery needs. The project employed advanced methodologies, including topology optimization and 3D printing, emphasizing sustainable reinforced composite materials.

    The design project documented a comprehensive journey in achieving an optimized octocopter with improved structural efficiency, decreased weight, and heightened sustainability. Joyce employed Wood-PLA filament, a unique blend of polylactic acid and wood fibers, to craft a drone that not only benefits the environment but also significantly reduces weight. Throughout the project, thorough testing and material analysis were conducted, culminating in actual test flights evaluating the drone's performance, stability, and payload capacity. The optimized drone design demonstrated an impressive 29.9% reduction in weight, along with a noteworthy 31.25% increase in payload capacity, underscoring the project's success in achieving both efficiency and sustainability.

    Despite facing challenges linked to the hygroscopic nature of Wood-PLA during additive manufacturing, Joyce's project establishes a new benchmark in drone technology. By showcasing the potential of integrating advanced materials and manufacturing techniques, this endeavor underscores sustainable practices in the rapidly evolving field of unmanned aerial vehicles. Joyce's achievement not only highlights her creativity but also serves as a guiding light for future advancements in drone technology. At UOW Malaysia, the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering program empowers students to apply physics and material science principles to design, produce, and operate various equipment and systems. Students, like Joyce, embody this application by making impactful contributions to the community through their innovations.