By Asia Education Review Team , Thursday, 08 February 2024

Dr. Maliki Emphasizes that Teachers should Guide and Support Students

  • The nation's Second Minister for Education, Dr. Maliki Osman, emphasized in Parliament during a discussion with Mr. Louis Ng that teachers should not dismiss students seeking help with personal issues by stating, "Sorry, it is not my work because I only need to teach you." Dr. Maliki highlighted that teachers are responsible for guiding students comprehensively through their educational journey. Mr. Ng, a Member of Parliament, had inquired about the results of the Ministry of Education's recent review of teachers' workload. Dr. Maliki mentioned that teachers' reported work hours have remained consistent in recent years,  and the ministry will continue to assess their workload through surveys and interactions with staff members.

    Following Dr. Maliki's statements, Mr. Ng posed additional inquiries regarding the Ministry's strategy to alleviate non-administrative tasks for teachers. He pointed out that teachers are compelled to take on counseling responsibilities due to a shortage of school counselors. Mr. Ng expressed concern about the added role of teachers as wellness ambassadors, supporting their colleagues. He emphasized the importance of enabling teachers to concentrate on teaching without increasing their workload. Dr. Maliki responded by emphasizing the holistic nature of teaching, stating that the job involves not only classroom instruction but also counseling, befriending, and mentoring, necessitating a comprehensive perspective.

    Dr. Maliki clarified that the incorporation of life skills into education is crucial. In instances where a student faces challenges, teachers are expected to provide support and guidance. Dr. Maliki emphasized that, from a broader standpoint, a teacher's role is to guide students comprehensively through their educational journey, demonstrating their availability to assist at any time. He highlighted that this expectation extends to all school teachers, irrespective of whether they are subject instructors or involved in co-curricular activities.