By Asia Education Review Team , Thursday, 14 March 2024

CUT: Apply for Postgrad Technology-Enhanced Language Learning

  • The Language Centre (LC) of Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) is currently accepting applications for enrollment in its innovative online Master's program in Technology Enhanced Language Learning (MA in TELL) for the academic year 2024-2025. This program, conducted in English, is a collaborative effort with CUT's Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts.

    Tailored for individuals interested in integrating New Technologies into foreign language teaching and learning, the program holds accreditation from the Higher Education Quality Assurance and Certification Agency (CYQAA). Participants can customize their studies to fit their professional and personal commitments, benefitting from remote learning flexibility. Upon successful completion, students receive an accredited master’s degree from a reputable institution, with the program spanning 3 semesters (1.5 years) and requiring 90 European Credit Units (ECTS).

    The program aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills essential for careers in first, second, and foreign language teaching utilizing New Technologies across all levels. Aligned with contemporary language teaching theories and methods, it focuses on learning theories, pedagogical methods, and technological applications, not exclusively limited to teaching English as a second or foreign language but also aligning with the TESOL Technology Standards Framework.

    Addressing the needs of educators across various levels and contexts, the program covers topics such as second language acquisition, language teaching methodology, instructional technology, language assessment, program design, and research methods. Additionally, students have the opportunity for micro-teaching, where they apply pedagogical methods using New Technologies.