By Asia Education Review Team , Thursday, 21 March 2024

Cambodia's Edu Minister urges Schools to Enhance Reading Initiatives

  • Minister Hang Chuon Naron of Education, Youth, and Sport urges teacher training institutions to establish standard libraries and integrate reading programs into their curricula to enhance pedagogical students' capabilities. During his recent visit to the Banteay Meanchey Provincial Teacher Training Centre, Chuon Naron reaffirmed the ministry's dedication to empowering future educators.

    His tour revealed advancements in mentor skills through technical workshops and training sessions focused on experimental materials. Chuon Naron stressed the need for creativity, research skills, and sharing teaching methods among trainees. He emphasized the importance of equipping new students with comprehensive skills in reading, mathematics and science, advocating for access to teaching materials to streamline the process.

    Kong Samneang, head of the Federation of Education Services in Cambodia, supported the call for standard libraries, acknowledging the resource-intensive nature of the initiative. However, he highlighted its potential to enhance teaching quality, enabling pedagogical students to research and share knowledge effectively.

    This initiative is part of the ministry's broader strategy to transform teacher training institutions into high-quality educational facilities aligned with 21st-century demands. The ministry commits to ongoing reforms, focusing on improving training programs, mentoring professional development, infrastructure, and the quality of training materials. These efforts aim to prepare instructional students to deliver effective and quality education in line with modern standards.