By Asia Education Review Team , Monday, 10 June 2024

Brunei Students Embark on Young Scientists Programme in Penang

  • The Brunei Ministry of Education has sent a delegation comprising four students and two supervising teachers to take part in The 13th Regional Congress Search for SEAMEO Young Scientists Programme 2024, hosted in Penang, Malaysia. This event, organized by the SEAMEO Regional Centre for Education in Science and Mathematics (SEAMEO RECSAM), seeks to encourage curiosity and creativity among students from SEAMEO member nations.

    The theme of this year’s programme, “Youth for One Health through STEM Innovations”, underscores the importance of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in addressing global health challenges. Two projects have been selected for presentation at the congress: “Tackling Gadgets Addiction in Strengthening One Health for Youth in Increasingly Challenging 21st Century Era” from Masin Secondary School and “Eggradicate: A Hypochlorous Acid Bio-Decontamination Process” from Berakas Secondary School.

    Accompanying the students are Education Officers Kassim bin Haji Abdul Gani from Masin Secondary School and Nurathirah binti Yahya from Berakas Secondary School. Furthermore, Nurul Fathiah binti Brahim @ Haji Ibrahim, an Education Officer from the Science, Technology, and Environment Partnership Centre (STEP Centre), is also part of the delegation.

    The schedule for the program comprises project exhibition assessments, workshops tailored for both teachers and students, career discussions, and engaging STEM-oriented educational activities. Following the program's conclusion, participants will be offered the chance to explore Penang through a guided tour. This endeavor underscores Brunei's dedication to encouraging youth involvement in science and technology, nurturing research and inventive thinking, and cultivating relationships with educators and students throughout Southeast Asia.