By Asia Education Review Team , Wednesday, 17 April 2024

Armenia Launches Bachelor's Program In Web3 & Blockchain Technology

  • The National Polytechnic University of Armenia, in collaboration with the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia and the Web3 Armenia Foundation, has proudly launched a groundbreaking educational initiative. This innovative program introduces the world's first Bachelor’s degree in "Blockchain Technology and Web3," representing a significant stride in Armenia's technological education landscape.

    During the announcement event, key figures including Mkhitar Hayrapetyan, Minister of the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia; Gor Vardanyan, Rector of the National Polytechnic University of Armenia; and Artyom Harutyunyan, Founder Evangelist of the Web3 Armenia Foundation, delivered pivotal speeches. They emphasized the strategic importance of incorporating blockchain technologies into academic curricula and the projected influence on Armenia’s digital economy.

    Minister Mkhitar Hayrapetyan underscored the government's dedication to fostering innovation: "Initiatives aligning with both local and international market demands are pivotal for us. This collaboration stands as a testament to the synergy between universities and the private sector. Such initiatives are strategically significant and will receive enhanced support from the government, particularly from the Ministry of High-tech Industry."

    Rector Gor Vardanyan expressed enthusiasm for the program, highlighting Armenia's potential as an educational trailblazer: "Today marks two significant achievements. Through collaboration with the Web3 Armenia Foundation, our university has successfully introduced the Blockchain course. The program, co-funded by the Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the RA, not only equips students with cutting-edge knowledge but also opens doors for professional opportunities, retraining, and competitiveness. Additionally, we've successfully ensured the program's sustainability and introduced a novel professional educational track, 'Blockchain and Web3 Technologies'."

    In essence, this initiative reflects Armenia's proactive approach to embracing emerging technologies and fostering a skilled workforce equipped to navigate the demands of the digital era. Through strategic partnerships and forward-thinking initiatives, Armenia aims to solidify its position as a leader in technological education and innovation.