By Asia Education Review Team , Wednesday, 24 July 2024

AQG World to Host Chinese Students and Government Officials in Kimberley

  • AQG World, a Kimberley-based organization dedicated to guiding students and families through the international education landscape, is set to host 40 Chinese students and government officials from the Chinese Ministry of Education this August.

    Building on last year’s successful visit, where students engaged in various educational and cultural activities such as art classes at St. Eugene Resort, tours of Fort Steele, and a raft trip on the St. Mary River, this year's program promises an even richer experience. From August 1 to 9, the visiting students will embark on a comprehensive educational program, utilizing resources from CBEEN, Fort Steele, Purcell Collegiate, and the College of the Rockies (COTR). The students will reside in the COTR dormitories during their stay.

    Randy McLeod from AQG World emphasized the significance of this visit, stating that the accompanying ministry delegates will be evaluating how Kimberley and the surrounding areas can contribute to delivering international education. McLeod highlighted that AQG World specializes in short-term programs for international students, but the scope of these delegations is expanding. “Next year’s delegation could include 120 students”, he noted, indicating a potential for longer-term stays, where students might complete their high school education and proceed to post-secondary institutions in Canada.

    The visiting students will engage in various educational and cultural activities, including interactions with local educational institutions and outdoor excursions. This initiative not only aims to provide a unique learning experience for the students but also showcases the potential of Kimberley as a hub for international education.

    To welcome the delegates, a reception and dinner will be held at Purcell Collegiate in Kimberley on August 17. This event marks a significant step in fostering international educational collaborations and highlights the growing interest in Canadian education from Chinese students and officials.

    AQG World’s efforts align with their mission to bridge the gap between international students and the educational opportunities available in Canada, paving the way for future educational exchanges and long-term academic engagements.