By Asia Education Review Team , Wednesday, 17 April 2024

Apple launches the Fourth Developer Academy in Indonesia

  • Apple is launching a new Apple Developer Academy in Bali, offering a nine-month program covering coding, marketing, and app development skills. This initiative builds on the success of Apple's existing academies in Indonesia, which have seen over 2,000 students graduate with 90% finding meaningful employment.

    Tim Cook, Apple's CEO, emphasized the transformative power of coding, stating that it can change the world. He highlighted the company's investment in nurturing creativity and skills in Indonesia, aiming to support individuals eager to make an impact through technology.

    The expansion to Bali marks Apple's fourth academy in Indonesia, reflecting its commitment to fostering a vibrant developer community. This academy will be open to students globally, regardless of their educational background or coding experience, emphasizing inclusivity and accessibility.

    The success of Apple's Developer Academy program in Indonesia is evidenced by its diverse student body, drawing participants from over 90 cities with various backgrounds. Mary Santoso, a former stay-at-home mom, joined the academy at 38 and developed WonderJack, an iPad game designed to support neurodiverse children. She credits the academy's mentorship for honing her problem-solving skills and enabling her to pursue her mission of helping children facing learning challenges.

    Apple's Developer Academy initiative originated in Brazil in 2018 and has since expanded globally. All academies are now part of Apple's broader commitment to promoting racial equity and justice. In essence, the Apple Developer Academy in Bali represents a continuation of Apple's efforts to empower individuals through technology education, fostering innovation and inclusivity within the developer community on a global scale.