Professor Taro Komatsu from Sophia University led recent research...
In the upcoming academic year of 2024-25, the initial cohort of...
US universities are now permitted to verify TOEFL test scores...
Fujitsu and Tokai National Higher Education and Research System have collaborated to research space radiation phenomena, aiming to ensure the safety of human exploration in...
INHA University in Tashkent has announced its forthcoming conference titled "Empowering Innovation: The Influence of Universities on Startup Growth." The event, scheduled for...
The Modern College of Business and Science (MCBS) is pleased to...
The Macquarie University in Sydney has introduced an annual...
The inaugural 'Innovation in Education: UAE Schools' Summit was...
Creta Class participated in the 21st Education Korea event held at COEX, Seoul, known for its...
Over 200 educators from 15 different countries convened in Hanoi for a major academic conference held from...
Team Europe and the Ministry of Education have launched the EU's flagship project "Education for green and...
Representatives from Lunghwa University of Science and Technology and HUTECH, including Assoc. Prof. Dr....
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