By Asia Education Review Team , Thursday, 04 January 2024

Veolia Oman strengthened its commitment to environmental education

  • Veolia Oman, a prominent arm of the international Veolia Group specializing in environmental services, has reaffirmed its commitment to environmental education and conservation in Oman. The company has entered into a two-year sponsorship agreement with the Environment Society of Oman (ESO), with the goal of enhancing environmental awareness and capacity building among Omani youth. This partnership is expected to bring about a significant positive change in the nation's approach to environmental conservation and education.

    As part of the collaboration, Veolia Oman is providing support to the Namat Environmental Advocacy Competition, an initiative that the company has been endorsing since its establishment in 2019. This competition involves nearly 500 government schools and motivates students to propose inventive environmental solutions. By participating in initiatives like the Namat Competition, Veolia Oman actively contributes to driving ecological change and promoting the establishment of a sustainable future for Oman.

    Under the terms of the agreement, Veolia Oman will concentrate on enhancing Omani capabilities in NGO management and environmental conservation. This initiative is in harmony with the company's broader vision of empowering the public to play a more active role in environmental preservation. Dr. Amor Almatani, Chairman of the Board at ESO, emphasized the significance of partnerships such as the one with Veolia Oman in promoting sustainable development and environmental protection in Oman.

    ESO is presently calling on schools to join the fourth edition of the competition, eagerly looking forward to creative ideas from school teams all over Oman. Erwan Rouxel, CEO of Veolia Oman, underscored the company's pivotal role in championing ecological transformation and fostering the establishment of a sustainable future in Oman, particularly through initiatives like the Namat Competition. The collaboration between Veolia Oman and ESO is designed to motivate and elevate environmental awareness, paving the way for a more sustainable and brighter future for the nation.