By Asia Education Review Team , Wednesday, 01 May 2024

Tsinghua Uni Introduces Dept. of Psychological & Cognitive Sciences

  • Tsinghua University has marked its 113th anniversary with a significant stride in academic expansion by inaugurating the Department of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences. This move underscores Tsinghua's dedication to bolstering its academic arsenal in alignment with national priorities and the imperative of human development.

    The inauguration ceremony witnessed the presence of esteemed figures including Qiu Yong, Secretary of the CPC Tsinghua University Committee; He Zhimin, a member of the Standing Committee and vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the China Democratic National Construction Association; Yao Hongwen, Party chief and director of the National Center for Mental Health; Lin Chongde, a distinguished professor from Beijing Normal University; Su Yanjie, Chairman of the Chinese Psychological Society; Zhou Wenye, representing the legacy of Professor Zhou Xiangeng, a pioneer in Tsinghua's Department of Psychology; and Yan Wangjia, Chairman of Venustech. Yang Bin, Tsinghua's Vice President, presided over the event.

    During the ceremony, a significant moment unfolded as Qiu Yong, alongside other dignitaries, unveiled the department's plaque, symbolizing the formal establishment of the Department of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences.

    In his address, Qiu Yong underscored General Secretary Xi Jinping's emphasis on advancing fundamental research in mental health and nurturing professionals in the field. The department's establishment aims to foster interdisciplinary collaboration, delve into foundational inquiries concerning consciousness and intelligence, construct robust theoretical frameworks in mental health, and actively contribute to national health initiatives. Qiu highlighted Tsinghua's resolve to serve as a proactive agent in addressing the country's strategic imperatives, particularly in advancing psychological well-being.

    Overall, the establishment of the Department of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences at Tsinghua University signals a bold step forward, demonstrating the institution's dedication to addressing critical societal needs and advancing scholarly frontiers in psychological sciences.