By Asia Education Review Team , Wednesday, 06 September 2023

The Ministry of Higher Education (KPT) intends to open a branch of the Institute of Higher Education (IPT)

  • The Ministry of Higher Education (KPT) intends to build a local Institute of Higher Education (IPT) branch in this district for the benefit of Students, particularly those on Sabah's East Coast. Datuk Mohd Yusof Apdal, Deputy Minister of KPT, stated that the goal is to also provide Technical and Vocational Training (TVET) programs to students. He stated that the program is part of the Ministry's commitment to address the issue of high graduate unemployment while also assuring the marketability of current graduates. "With the implementation of the program in Sabah, students would have more opportunity to find work with ea." "The plan to create an IPT branch in this district is also accompanied by attempts to give courses in the form of TVET," started during a Majlis Ramah Mesra organized in conjunction with his Ministry's public discussion session.

    According to the Lahad Datu MP, the region has the potential to become an education center on Sabah's east coast. He added that the establishment of a higher education institution is intended to address the requirements and desires of the community not only in Lahad Datu but also in the surrounding area. Yusof stated on the show that the occasion was arranged to discuss ideas with religious leaders in the district. He stated that it is part of the government's aim to preserve relationships with people of all races and religions. "The government's objective is to give equality to everyone, especially with respect to our country's many religions, including Lahad Datu," he stated. Yusof also presented contributions to representatives from churches and temples in the district.  Earlier that same day, he also presented donations to mosques in the district.