By Asia Education Review Team , Monday, 25 September 2023

Syiah Kuala University Strengthens Commitment to Enter the World University Ranking of Higher Education

  • Syiah Kuala University continues to strengthen its commitment to enter the World University Ranking. This was conveyed by USK Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. Marwan when opening the QS Ranking workshop at the USK Senate Hall. The workshop activity presented speakers from Universiti Sains Malaysia, namely Prof. Progenitor. Dr. Abdul Khalil Shawkataly, Associate Prof. Dr. Mohammad Shahruddin Samsurijan, and Associate Prof. Dr. Paramjit Singh Jamir Singh.

    On this occasion, the Chancellor in his speech said that he was very grateful because USK continues to develop well. Regarding the World University Ranking, some time ago USK was ranked 101-200 in the world for the main components in the Time Higher Education, Sustainable Development Goals (THE-SDGs) ranking system, which is a ranking system to assess the extent to which a university contributes to achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs). For your information, SDGs consist of 17 components. Of all these components, USK proposes 5 areas of SDGs, namely SDG17 which is a cooperation component, SDG1: No poverty (no poverty), SDG4: quality education, SDG13: Climate Action (handling climate change) and SDG14: Life Below Water (Marine Ecosystems)

    Acting Regent of Aceh Besar and Chancellor of USK Launch the Working Professor Program. USK's success in reaching the 201-300 world ranking for quality education, marine ecosystems, and handling climate change is a source of pride. We want achievements like this to continue to improve," said the Chancellor. Therefore, the Chancellor believes that USK must continue to improve to enter the world rankings, both based on QS Ranking and Time Higher Education. Moreover, USK has been designated as a Legal Entity Higher Education Institution (PTN BH), the aim of which is to become a World Class University (WCU).

    "So on this occasion, we would also like to express our gratitude for the support of Universiti Sains Malaysia, which has so far helped USK to achieve this target", he said. Prof. Progenitor. Dr. Abdul Khalil Shawkataly said he was optimistic that USK would be able to penetrate the world rankings. Because he believes that USK has a strong commitment at various levels of leadership.