By Asia Education Review Team , Tuesday, 23 April 2024

SMF, IGP&I Unite to Boost Maritime Education in Singapore

  • The Singapore Maritime Foundation (SMF) and the International Group of P&I Clubs (IGP&I) have formalized their collaboration through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at enhancing education and training in marine liability within Singapore's talent pool. The agreement, inked during Singapore Maritime Week 2024, establishes a framework for leveraging the unique strengths and value propositions of both organizations towards the common objective of delivering top-notch maritime education and nurturing talent for the maritime sector.

    Under this partnership, SMF and IGP&I will collaborate on developing and conducting professional development courses covering various aspects of marine liability, including topics such as introduction to protection & indemnity (P&I) insurance, limitation regimes, claims case studies, safety at sea, liability and compensation, among others.

    Tan Beng Tee, Executive Director of the Singapore Maritime Foundation, expressed gratitude for the alignment of goals between SMF and IGP&I, emphasizing SMF's commitment to fostering a skilled workforce for the maritime industry.

    Established on 27 January 2004, the Singapore Maritime Foundation serves as a bridge between the public and private sectors, working collaboratively with stakeholders across the maritime ecosystem to reinforce Singapore's position as an International Maritime Centre (IMC) and to cultivate a talent pool ready for the maritime sector's demands.

    The International Group (the “Group”), consisting of twelve P&I Clubs, collectively provides marine liability cover (protection and indemnity) for approximately 90% of the world's ocean-going tonnage. Through their unique structure, these member Clubs, while maintaining individual competitiveness, share their large loss exposures and exchange knowledge and expertise on matters related to shipowners' liabilities and the insurance and reinsurance of such liabilities.

    Through this MoU, SMF and IGP&I aim to synergize their efforts in enriching maritime education and training in Singapore, thereby contributing to the continuous growth and sustainability of the maritime industry.