By Asia Education Review Team , Monday, 08 January 2024

Saudi Arabia mandates private firms to offer training programs for student

  • Saudi Arabia has implemented a new mandate that obliges private sector companies employing 50 or more workers to provide training programs for students. Ahmad Al Rajhi, the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development (HRSD), introduced this initiative to synchronize with the academic curricula of educational institutions and the demands of the job market. The main objective of this directive is to enhance the quality and efficacy of training in the private sector, with the aim of promoting development and growth through the provision of hands-on training opportunities for university, college, and institute students within these companies.

    The training aims to enhance students' readiness for the workforce by improving their skills, and overall job performance, and providing them with essential knowledge in their academic fields. This initiative is anticipated to enhance their prospects for employment post-graduation. The directive mandates a formal, time-bound contract between the trainee and the company, adhering to labour laws. The contract must outline the skills to be developed, the profession for training, and the different stages of the training process. Furthermore, companies are required to issue a certificate upon the successful completion of the training.

    The HRSD has published guidelines on its official website, and companies are strongly advised to comply with these stipulations to avoid legal consequences. This initiative is a collaborative endeavour involving the Ministry of Education, the General Organization for Technical and Vocational Training, and the Human Resources Development Fund. It encompasses the organization of meetings and workshops with targeted private sector entities to enhance workforce knowledge, skills, and training, ultimately improving their stability and productivity in the job market. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has prioritized the rehabilitation and preparation of the labour force in technical and vocational fields by consolidating all aspects of technical and vocational training in the Kingdom under a unified entity known as the "Technical and Vocational Training Corporation".