By Asia Education Review Team , Saturday, 15 June 2024

NCCUC Concludes 'Global Immersion in Asia' Summer Program

  • The National Chengchi University College of Commerce (NCCUC) recently concluded its 'Global Immersion in Asia: Where Technology Meets Culture Summer Program', held from May 27th to 31st, 2024. This intensive five-day initiative, hosted at NCCUC, attracted a diverse group of international students from NCCUC Partner Schools and PIM (Partnership in International Management). The program aimed to explore Taiwan's dynamic intersection of advanced technology and rich cultural heritage.

    Led by distinguished faculty and industry experts, the program offered a comprehensive and immersive learning experience. Participants engaged in courses covering leadership, investment management with big data, cultural technology, new product design, accounting practices in Taiwan, and the dynamics of the Taiwanese economy.

    "The Global Immersion in Asia program underscores our commitment to fostering cross-cultural understanding and providing students with a platform to explore technology and business developments within Taiwan's vibrant cultural landscape", stated Professor Yenn-Ru Chen, Associate Dean for International Affairs in the College of Commerce.

    Professor Hong Yi Chen, the program coordinator, provided an overview of the schedule, which included classes, cultural tours, a company visit to O'right Inc. focusing on sustainable products, and interactions with Taiwanese entrepreneurs.

    The opening ceremony featured presentations from NCCUC's International Program Ambassadors, offering insights into Taiwan's culture and NCCUC itself. This set the stage for a week of collaborative learning, cultural exploration, and networking opportunities.

    Throughout the program, students participated in interactive learning activities, discussions, and hands-on projects. They tackled case studies, engaged in team-building exercises like constructing a 'spaghetti tower', and visited O'right Inc., learning about sustainable business practices.

    A city tour allowed students to immerse themselves in Taiwan's cultural heritage, visiting landmarks like the National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Longshan Temple, Ximending, and Taipei 101 Observatory, along with experiencing a traditional night market.

    Academically, students explored leadership principles, utilized big data for investment management, discussed new product design, and delved into Taiwan's unique accounting practices and economic dynamics.

    The program culminated in final project presentations where students applied their knowledge to real-world business challenges. Certificates of completion recognized their successful immersion in Taiwan's technological advancements and cultural traditions.

    Looking forward, NCCU plans to expand the Global Immersion in Asia program, inviting students worldwide to engage in this transformative educational experience. The program not only equipped participants with valuable skills and knowledge but also fostered enduring friendships and cross-cultural connections, reinforcing its impact as a cornerstone of international education at NCCUC.