By Asia Education Review Team , Friday, 12 January 2024

National Initiative to Enhance Student Employability in Malaysia

  • The Higher Education Ministry plans to collaborate with other government ministries and agencies to improve students' employability. Minister Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir stated that this initiative aims to enhance students' marketability by aligning their skills with the current requirements of the nation. He has held discussions with the International Trade and Industry Ministry (Miti) and the Science, Technology, and Innovation Ministry (Mosti). With Miti, the focus is on aligning university outputs with the evolving needs of the job market. Simultaneously, collaboration between the Higher Education Ministry and Mosti can optimize the utilization of expertise from the latter, offering job opportunities for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) graduates.

    During the 2024 address at Universiti Malaya, Minister Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir emphasized the necessity of a collaborative framework between the Higher Education Ministry and other parties. He highlighted the crucial importance of aligning the skills taught to graduates with the industry's actual requirements. Zambry stressed the need to avoid a situation where universities produce a surplus of graduates perceived as lacking the necessary skills for the job market.

    "This emphasis goes beyond simple market considerations; it involves fulfilling the needs of both the market and various industries. Specific sectors, like the semiconductor industry, carry significant importance for Malaysia globally", emphasized Zambry. He underscored the crucial requirement for Malaysia to attract more students capable of entering the semiconductor industry. Zambry pointed out the current high demand, citing reports of over 40,000 job vacancies, while the university capacity is limited to 5,000, which is insufficient. Addressing this shortfall requires comprehensive planning, extending not only to universities but also encompassing polytechnics and community colleges", he expressed concern.