By Asia Education Review Team , Thursday, 12 October 2023

Infinite Group changes Sri Lanka's educational landscape

  • Leading the charge to revolutionize education services in Sri Lanka is Infinite Group, a global leader in the education sector with a presence in more than ten nations. Infinite Group has seen a surge in applications for overseas education, processing an impressive number of applications after the 2023 A/Level exams, despite the economic downturn that caused the Sri Lankan economy to contract by 11.5% in the first quarter of 2023. Through its recruitment partners, Infinite Group is enabling countless Sri Lankan students to realize their dreams of studying abroad by staying committed to redefining education and providing custom solutions. The organization can give its recruitment partners and their students choices and improve their educational experiences on a global scale under the direction of Gaurav Batra, CEO of Infinite Group.

    "Our mission is to empower our recruitment partners and their students with choices of educational experiences on a global scale", Batra said, expressing his enthusiasm for Infinite Group's contributions to the changing educational landscape in Sri Lanka. In order to give Sri Lankan students access to diverse cultures, academic philosophies, and career pathways, we are committed to removing geographic barriers. For Sri Lankan students considering higher education options, affordability has become a concern due to the nation's economic downturn. Students are actively looking for opportunities to study in places that are more reasonably priced, according to our recruitment partners, and we are collaborating with our local partners to meet these needs.

    "Our relationships have informed universities abroad of the major financial challenges Sri Lankan students face", he continued. Because of this, with our recruitment partners' aid, we have facilitated numerous financial aid programs and scholarships to increase Sri Lankan students' access to higher education abroad. Surprisingly, despite the economic downturn, Sri Lanka continues to be a significant source of applicants for foreign universities. In our organization, the number of students choosing to study abroad through our recruitment partners has significantly increased, exceeding initial projections. This upward trend indicates that despite the country's economic difficulties, Sri Lankan students are still committed to pursuing their educational aspirations and taking advantage of the opportunities provided by our partners, foreign universities, and scholarships.

    29,000 Sri Lankans were enrolled in higher education abroad in 2020, with significant populations in Australia, Japan, the USA, Malaysia, and the UK. Notably, there has been an astounding 94% rise in the number of Sri Lankan students choosing to study in Canada in 2022 as compared to 2020, and the UK has identified Sri Lanka as one of the top three fastest-growing markets for UK universities in 2022, with a growth rate of +41.3%. With only 17 state universities available nationwide, Sri Lanka's small number of local universities is a driving force behind this trend. With over 350,000 Sri Lankan students taking A/Level exams, but only 42,000 admitted to local universities, there is a clear educational divide in Sri Lanka. By providing specialized solutions to regional partners and educational providers, streamlining operations, and cultivating a strong network of partnerships, Infinite Group has significantly contributed to changing the educational landscape with the help of its recruitment partners.