By Asia Education Review Team , Wednesday, 26 July 2023

India-Japan Study and Research Center Soon at IIM Kozhikode

  • The plan for setting up an India-Japan Study and Research Centre was granted approval from the Council of Governors of the Indian Institute of Management, IIM Kozhikode, having the goals of strengthening management education and research capabilities in specific fields of shared interest among the two nations. While launching the project, Debashis Chatterjee, the Director of IIM Kozhikode, stated India and Japan share an extensive record of bilateral development collaboration.

    In the official statement, that quoted him, the connection between the two countries has reached higher heights as time passed, especially in the economic, cultural, and industrial spheres. "Considering the current perspectives of both the countries’ interest in various domains, we have established this study-cum-research center", he mentioned. Chatterjee said this project could facilitate the transmission of information and skills in fields of mutual interest, fostering collaborations in research and student exchange programs among many Japanese institutions of higher learning. Through research, training, and other growth in leadership programs, he pointed out; this could assist to foster awareness of Japan in India and India in Japan.

    The IIM Kozhikode has recruited Rajib Shaw from Keio University in Japan as an adjunct professor who will offer advice on the center's operations. The statement from IIM Kozhikode expressed it has extended partnerships and collaborations involving a total of 50 foreign universities to operate its student exchange initiative through worldwide integration.