By Asia Education Review Team , Wednesday, 17 January 2024

First Solar-Powered ReSkills Hub: Bridging Education Divide in Malaysia

  • A new era of optimism has dawned for communities in Taiping, Perak, Malaysia, as the inaugural ReSkills S.M.A.R.T Learning Hub, backed by RZB Holdings, is unveiled. In the presence of esteemed dignitaries and global collaborators, this momentous occasion marks a significant stride towards global empowerment through the avenues of online education, information accessibility, and internet connectivity, all sustained by eco-friendly solar energy. The S.M.A.R.T Learning Hub, an acronym for Sustainability, Mobility, Accessibility, Renewability, and Technology, embodies an ambitious vision: closing the digital gap and democratizing high-quality education for everyone, irrespective of their geographical or socio-economic circumstances. The absence of educational opportunities often confines individuals to cycles of poverty and limited prospects. The ReSkills S.M.A.R.T Learning Hub empowers rural communities by furnishing them with the knowledge and skills essential for their prosperity.

    Jin Tan, the CEO of ReSkills EdTech, asserted, "We firmly believe that education is the cornerstone of progress". He highlighted the S.M.A.R.T Learning Hub as a concrete response to the global demand for fair access to knowledge and skills. With the backing of RZB Holdings, the commitment to sustainable development was initiated, marking the commencement of an unwavering dedication to environmentally friendly learning. Rozana, Director of RZB Holdings, underscored the project's alignment with their sustainability commitment. She stated, "The S.M.A.R.T Learning Hub transcends mere technological advancement; it's about constructing a more promising future for everyone. Through the utilization of solar energy, we are crafting a sustainable solution that empowers rural communities without causing harm to the environment".

    Dr. Steve Tan, Chairman of ReSkills EdTech, expressed his fervent belief in the hub's revolutionary impact. He stated, "The ReSkills S.M.A.R.T Learning Hub transcends being merely a structure; it serves as a portal to boundless opportunities, a beacon of hope for a improved world. We are unlocking pathways to education, healthcare, career prospects, and a realm of knowledge that was once distant. This initiative is about kindling the aspirations of rural communities and laying the groundwork for a more promising future". The S.M.A.R.T Learning Hub stands tall as a symbol of hope, deriving its power from the sun and driven by a collective commitment to advancement. With its sustainable approach and transformative potential, the hub envisions a more radiant future where rural communities can readily access the knowledge, resources, and connections they rightfully deserve.