By Asia Education Review Team , Wednesday, 26 July 2023

Enrollment of the Merck Young Scientist Award has begun at IIT Mumbai

  • The 3rd edition of the prestigious Merck Young Scientist Award 2023 is now accepting applications, said Science and Technology Business Merck. At the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Mumbai, the company will host a promotional event to solicit registrants. A crucial step in the selection procedure is the roadshow, when a group from Merck India will stop by the RGCB institution to register scientists there as well as respond to their questions about the prizes, according to a press release. The Merck Young Scientist Award intends to encourage breakthroughs in science and reward young scientists who have made substantial contributions to the community. Scientists will have the opportunity able to display their innovative discoveries in the areas of biological sciences, chemical sciences, and sustainability research, which includes green chemistry, renewable and alternative energy, sustainable materials, and manufacturing, on an avenue provided available by the prizes.

    The award's registration session can be accessed now and will go through August 16, 2023. The program looks to highlight 10 young scientists for their outstanding contributions to science and the advancement of society. The prize scheme for this year will accept submissions in three different categories, namely: Science of Life, Science of Chemistry, and A distinct category for sustainability research, which includes ‘renewable/alternative energy’, 'green chemistry', ‘sustainable materials’, and ‘sustainable manufacturing’, reflects the developing role of environmental concern in academic study. The Merck Young Scientist Award is going to be given to a group of 10 scientists in 2023, comprising two recipients in each field of biological and chemical sciences and one recipient in sustainability research. Five runner-up winners will additionally be announced. The reward for the person who won is Rs 350,000, while the prize for the runner-up is Rs 100,000.

    “This year, we have chosen to focus on sustainability apart from the disciplines of Chemistry and Biology since we believe as an organization that sustainability is a key pillar of scientific research. Bringing this up as a highlight will also make it evident to the industry and academics how central sustainability is as a theme as we all work toward human progress. While the primary objective is to continue to identify and honor the talented young scientists across India, we also want to take this opportunity to make sustainability a buzzword to create awareness for the same through an award that is well known amongst the scientific fraternity”, Dhananjay Singh, Head, Science and Lab Solutions, Merck Life Science, stated.

    Anurag Agrawal, Dean of Ashoka University, Srinivas Reddy, Director of CSIR-IICT, and Radha Rangarajan, Director of CSIR-CDRI, make up the panel of judges for the 2023 Merck Young Scientist Award. Ten representatives of reputable institutes are going to sit on the committee that will evaluate the applications. Professionals from NCL, BITS-Pilani, IIT-Bombay, IISc, NBRC, CCMB, JNU, IIT Kharagpur, CSIR-IGIB, and NIRRH are represented on this prestigious panel. Researchers competing for the Merck Young Scientist Award have to live in India, be affiliated with a research institute, and have no more than ten years of post-Ph.D. research experience. On November 24, 2023, there will be a ceremony event when the winners of the competition will be declared.