By Asia Education Review Team , Wednesday, 10 January 2024

CLPS Acquires Singapore's College of Allied Educators for Teacher Guidance

  • Today, CLPS Incorporation announced the acquisition of 100 percent equity in College of Allied Educators Pte. Ltd. (CAE) through its wholly-owned subsidiary, CLPS Technology (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. This significant development marks a new phase in CLPS's Talent Creation Program (TCP) and Talent Development Program (TDP) strategy. Established in 2004 and strategically located in Singapore's Central Business District, CAE has garnered a stellar reputation, being registered with the Committee for Private Education (CPE) and holding certifications from EduTrust, the Singapore Association for Counselling, and the International Registry of Counsellor Education Programs, among others.

    CLPS, committed to the concept of talent creation since its inception, has especially concentrated on identifying and nurturing IT talents. In 2018, it established CLPS Academy to facilitate the seamless integration of education and the corporate sector through partnerships with universities globally. The primary mission of CLPS Academy is to develop highly proficient IT professionals with practical experience, innovative thinking, and strong teamwork abilities. This strategic acquisition offers mutual benefits for both entities. CLPS will utilize its extensive expertise in education and training to provide comprehensive support to CAE, including faculty involvement, IT-focused course offerings, internship opportunities, and other initiatives.

    Raymond Lin, CLPS's CEO, stated, "The acquisition of CAE signifies a significant step in CLPS's mission to empower the future workforce. By combining CAE's established platform with our extensive academic expertise and collaboration with educational institutions, we aim to establish a diverse educational environment. Simultaneously, we plan to enrich CAE's curriculum with IT-focused programs, offering internships and job opportunities to graduates, and creating a training ground for the professional growth of our employees. This acquisition is expected to streamline the implementation of TCP and TDP strategies, providing CAE students with tailored career pathways and enabling our company to cultivate a highly skilled talent pool".