By Asia Education Review Team , Tuesday, 02 January 2024

Around 1,500 students attended the 'Hour of Code' event: UAE

  • The King Salman Science Oasis successfully concluded its involvement in the "Hour of Code" initiative, a collaborative effort with the General Administration of Education in Riyadh and Microsoft Arabia. The primary objective of this event, which commenced on December 10th, was to promote a culture of programming and innovation among students in the Kingdom. Over 1,500 students from various schools and educational levels actively participated in the event. The King Salman Oasis organized this initiative as part of its programs to fuel students' scientific enthusiasm and cultivate interest in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. This aligns with the objectives of Saudi Vision 2030 in advancing a knowledge-based economy.

    Participants had the opportunity to select challenges within the Minecraft educational environment and subsequently devise creative solutions for them. In addition, attendees explored the scientific halls, engaging with exhibits on energy, life sciences, the Planetarium, and the "Sanaa Space" within the oasis. Allison Matthews, the director of the Minecraft educational program at Microsoft, visited the Kingdom during the inaugural week of the event. She commended the high level of interaction among participants and the quality of the experiences organized for them at the oasis. The mission of the King Salman Science Oasis is "to instil a lifelong passion for science in everyone" through educational workshops, exhibitions, and galleries.

    The King Salman Science Oasis is an educational and entertainment facility established through the collaboration of the Riyadh Philanthropic Society for Sciences and King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology. Its primary objective is to convey fundamental scientific knowledge to the community, fostering creativity and entrepreneurship in the application of science. To achieve this goal, KS-Science Oasis provides various educational and entertaining activities, including guided tours of galleries (Energy, Life, Space, Water, Technology, and Earth), mobile science exhibitions, science talks and lectures, in-person and online science workshops, as well as science festivals.