By Asia Education Review Team , Monday, 08 January 2024

Altair Korea's Student Tech Party: Cultivating Innovation among college students

  • Altair Korea, a trailblazer in technological solutions, recently organized the 'Altair Student Tech Party', an exclusive gathering designed to connect college students with Altair's cutting-edge tech solutions. The event provided a dynamic platform for students to showcase their technological skills and accomplishments, and it also recognized the recipients of the Altair Optimization Contest and the Altair Optimization Design Award, conducted in collaboration with the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers. These winners brought prestige to their respective institutions through outstanding achievements in technology and design.

    The Altair Student Tech Party featured the engagement of sixty college students who took the chance to showcase their work and success stories from various Altair programs and competitions. The gathering was crafted to foster friendship, harmony, and networking opportunities among the attending students, facilitating dynamic discussions and the exchange of innovative ideas. Additionally, the event acknowledged the notable accomplishments of the winners of the 2023 internship, supporters, and competition winners. These young high achievers had the opportunity to present their achievements and engage in activities related to Altair's simulation, data analytics, and High-Performance Computing (HPC) solutions. Their active involvement highlighted the event's core objective, to prepare students for the future and celebrate their accomplishments.

    Doha Kim, the deputy vice president of Altair Korea, reiterated the company's unwavering dedication to nurturing the potential of Korean students as innovators and leaders in the technology industry. Altair's initiative is focused on assisting students in developing into independent and forward-thinking professionals, ready to face challenges and capitalize on opportunities in the swiftly changing technological landscape. Altair remains steadfast in its commitment to supporting Korean students as they strive to become self-directed innovators.