By Asia Education Review Team , Thursday, 31 August 2023

Orange Jordan's Coding Academy: Empowering Youth Through Innovative Education

  • Orange Jordan is still devoted to job training. The company recently announced the opening of registration for the third cohort of its Coding Academy in Balqa and Zarqa, as part of the academy's successful training program, which has expanded its reach to several governorates under the "Innovation Space," a three-year project co-funded by the European Union's "Innovation for Enterprise Growth and Jobs" program "Innovate Jordan," to support entrepreneurship and digitally empower youth across the Kingdom. The launch of registration for the third cohort of Orange Jordan's Coding Academy in Balqa and Zarqa coincides with the graduation of the academy's second cohort in these governorates. The school provides free and intense instruction to kids in the most in-demand coding languages as well as soft skills required for a competitive job market. 

    The Coding Academy's alumni have a high employment rate, with 80% in the governorates of Aqaba, Irbid, Balqa, and Zarqa and 85% in Amman. The graduates benefit from a training program offered in collaboration with Simplon, a French academic partner. With a thorough curriculum and professional teachers, the program is designed to build programming abilities in an interactive atmosphere. Students work on individual and group projects throughout training, then complete an internship at an information technology business to apply their skills in the real world. Graduates of the Academy obtain degrees approved by Simplon, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, which improves their work options and career trajectories. Interested youngsters between the ages of 18 and 30, both university students and others, had until August 21, 2023, to register for a 4-month program at the Coding Academy in Zarqa or Balqa.

    The "Innovation Space" initiative funds the growth of Orange's digital programs, which now comprise nine Community Digital Centers, five new coding academies, five FabLabs, eight business accelerators and incubators, and an "Innovation Hub" at the Orange Digital Village in Amman. The European Union-funded "Innovation Space" in Jordan is a trailblazing effort that serves as a one-stop shop for digital innovation and entrepreneurship help. It will encourage and develop entrepreneurship by identifying significant prospects for digital economic growth, as well as disseminate digital culture to the larger Jordanian public, and foster digital skills, particularly among women and youth.