- ASIA EDUCATION REVIEW - JULY 202319out of place. The institute fosters a friendly environment and a community feeling with the goal of helping international students feel at home. "Our campus offers modern lecture theaters, specialist workshops and facilities, including photography, 3D workshops, Mac Lab, textiles, illustration, pattern studio, sewing studio, to name a few and canteen and beautiful open areas. Students will find it easy to get involved in a range of activities. The college also offers free Wifi, printing, photocopying, and a library to make studying as convenient as possible", shares May Cortazzi, Head of Fashion Design, London College for Design & Fashion.In all training courses, covering fashion design, fashion marketing and communication, graphic design, and interior architecture & design, LCDF - Hanoi has students from all over the world and belonging to many nationalities. LCDF - Hanoi trains the students to be inventive since they are an artistic institution, and the graduates go on to dominate the globe within the field of designing. The Design Future course module is a crucial part of LCDF - Hanoi's curriculum since it promotes student creativity and pushes them to explore their own and the industry's futures.London College for Design and Fashion - Hanoi's students feel at ease and are constantly inspired to be artistic courtesy of a campus that is free and near to nature as well as cutting-edge tools and infrastructure. Every time a student develops a concept in one of the training programmes, the professors advise and motivate students to pursue it in a unique way. Stimulating excursions to traditional and artisanal regions, factory tours, and different job options are offered to students to meet prominent designers and easily grasp and get motivation for the work.The ability to access top-notch educational opportunities and broaden one's knowledge is made possible for students by receiving scholarships. Particularly for bright kids who are also struggling financially. In order to help young designers pursue their dreams of becoming successful designers, LCDF - Hanoi presently offers a "Young design talent scholarship" that allows students to expand their creativity in a global learning environment. Full-time students, both Vietnamese and international, may get full or partial tuition support through the scholarship programme. Future RoadmapOver the years, many of LCDF - Hanoi alumni have made tremendous contributions to the fashion and design industry, and earned recognitions and awards for their work. LCDF - Hanoi always urges its students to be inventive as they are a creative and innovative university. The Design Future module is crucial for students to consider their future plans for professional development and the direction of the design industry. As such, the institute is focused on promoting the learnings of this module onto the students while also making continuous efforts to constantly keep upgrading the modules with latest advancements in the fashion and designing industry while maintaining the core principles. With these initiatives and offerings, the university also aims to achieve greater international recognition and interest. LCDF Hanoi trains the students to be inventive since they are an artistic institution, and the graduates go on to dominate the globe within the field of designing
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