By M R Yuvatha, Correspondent , Asia Education Review Team

Why Is Vocational Training Essential for Today's Workforce?

  • In the light of this view, securing jobs and getting these growing professionals to thrive in their respective careers rests in the skills presented upon the graduate. Lack of the proper skill set might easily find one fumbling around at their job, not very sure and confident about their duties. Employers are equally inconvenienced since they have to waste their time and resources in training employees when they lack the practical know-how about the job. This causes a mismatch leading to frustration whereby businesses invest in employees who are not fully equipped to undertake the task for which they are hired.

    In today’s job market, competition is sky-high while the gap between available jobs and candidate qualification is more evident. Specialized skills are in demand; a number of skilled workers have made experts recognize that too few people may have the qualifications needed for many of these jobs. Vocational education and training give students real work experiences before graduation in the career of their own choice. This is absolutely beyond doubt that vocational education can serve as a major link in bridging this gap and career pathing effectively.

    First, let's understand what vocational education is all about!

    So, What Exactly Is Vocational Education?

    As the job market evolves quickly today, traditional education paths are not the only routes to success, highlighting the growing importance of Vocational Education. Which is why Vocational Education has become an integral part of today's time, central to this form of education is a focus on specific occupations and employments. Vocational Education has become an increasingly vital part in efforts at the international level to strengthen systems of vocational training. It also comprises of a sub-sector known as skills-based education, which plays a quintessential role in the economic development of a nation by enhancing career opportunities and employability of individuals. Also called CTE or TVET, it is designed in such a way that it focuses on practically training individuals for various trades and professions. Drawing from the tradition of apprenticeships, Vocational Education passes on knowledge related to procedures, therefore, it has become a critical pathway toward skill acquisition and satisfaction of those challenges advanced by the modern labor market.

    Why Is Vocational Training a Smart Career Move?

    There are various reasons why is vocational training a smart career move. At one level the answer is all around us. Vocational training programs are essential for anyone looking to enter a trade occupation, be it cosmetology, welding, or culinary, through teaching valuable skills in performing one's job both safely and efficiently. For those to whom traditional college paths do not suit or appeal to, considering that over 60 percent of Americans aged 25 and older do not hold a bachelor's degree, trade schools offer a very academically functional option. These institutions provide practical knowledge away from the four walls of conventional classrooms and are quite helpful in high-risk trades employed in health care and manual labor. This gives vocational training to the students in acquiring necessary skills within a safe environment, such as techniques on how to inject or handle welding tools. This kind of training also provides students with a chance to make connections in the industry for apprenticeships, internships, and, ultimately, jobs. Also, vocational schools are much more financially accessible than four-year colleges, with some programs costing as little as a quarter the price, which could greatly reduce student debt.

    Dr. Siddharth Chaturvedi, Director, AISECT, says, “Degree-linked apprenticeships are designed to provide numerous advantages such as earning while learning, learning by doing, learning with flexibility, learning with modularity, and learning by signalling value. These programs increase access to education for socially disadvantaged youth by enabling them to contribute to the family income even as they learn”.

    Is Vocational Training the Future of Jobs?

    While the world economic situation today is profoundly changing, developing countries that have increasingly grown in influence in the international arena have gradually become important impetuses for development in the world economy. Vocational education plays an important role in preparing a future generation of skilled, resourceful individuals through such sectors as health care, IT, media, and tourism, which form the cornerstone of the present economy, varied and changing as it is. These courses normally take a few months to complete and focus learning by real-life exposure through mentorship. This way, students can build professional networks and jobs faster compared to the conventional university route. With constant and ever-increasing demand for licensed tradespeople in the market, vocational education is the most efficient and valuable avenue to a successful career.

    Wrapping It Up!

    It's the 21st century! At least everyone should understand something about technology, that's why this is called a digital century. In an era dominated by skills and technological advancement, quality education provides opportunities to help people rise out of poverty and achieve success.

    Also, don’t let a lack of information hinder the selection of an ideal career path. Answers to all necessary questions are within reach if one knows where to begin. With the rapid changes in the job market, one should be aware of the difficulties while being informed and proactive about the options available.